Whole-Home Remodels


When you’re seeking prompt and efficient whole house remodeling in Oklahoma City, Edmond, and the surrounding region, trust the specialist services offered by H&H Remodeling. Following a complimentary initial online consultation with our skilled experts, we will generate 3D designs and provide you with estimates. Utilizing our streamlined construction management system, you can conveniently view your final designs, sign your contract, and receive all project updates online.

The advantages of our specialized whole house remodeling

With decades of experience in the construction business, our team possesses the expertise and skills to tackle any remodeling project at your Oklahoma City or Edmond home. Whole house remodeling is a substantial, comprehensive undertaking involving various types of construction work. By choosing our team of contractors for the job, we ensure a pleasant and stress-free experience for you, offering:

  • Tailored designs meticulously crafted to align with your needs and preferences
  • A project timeline tailored to fit your schedule Smooth and hassle-free remodeling operations
  • Quality control and regular project updates


Why we’re the top whole house remodel contractors in OKC:

  • Expert full-service design
  • Experienced and dedicated contractors
  • Well-coordinated design and construction teams
  • Sleek construction management system
  • Outstanding customer care and ongoing support
  • Free initial consultation and design tips
  • Detailed project and quality control checklist
  • Fair and transparent prices


Frequently asked questions

If you’re planning a whole house remodel in Edmond, OKC, or any of the surrounding neighborhoods, it’s best to go in an order that has been shown to work time and time again. It usually involves:

  1. Planning and design
  2. Foundation and roof repair or replacement
  3. Demolition
  4. Moving and constructing new walls
  5. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing installation
  6. Window installation
  7. Insulation
  8. Drywall
  9. Wall painting
  10. Floors

Here at H&H Remodels, we’ll think through and carry out every step of the process with dedication and precision.

Whole house remodeling will take a while because of the scope of the project. The exact duration will depend on:

  • The size of your house
  • The type of work you want done
  • Weather conditions
  • Unanticipated issues that may be discovered over the course of the renovation, such as water damage

The qualified contractors at H&H Remodeling will take steps to conduct the renovation time-efficiently while delivering the highest standard of quality at the same time. Reach out to us to find out more about the time frame of your specific project in Oklahoma City, Edmond, and the surrounding areas.

If you’re renovating a smaller section of your home, with minimal impact on your daily life, staying at home during the process is easily manageable. However, if you’re undertaking a comprehensive whole-house renovation that will make your kitchen or only bathroom inaccessible, exploring options like staying with friends or family, booking a hotel room, or renting a house becomes worthwhile.

Feel free to consult with the reliable professionals at H&H Remodels to assess the extent of your home affected by the remodeling and its timing. Once you have your project schedule, you can make living arrangements that best accommodate your family.

Transform Your Home Today!

Ready to embark on your whole house remodeling journey with H&H Remodel & Construction? Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Let’s turn your home dreams into a reality!

Experience the H&H difference – where creativity meets quality!

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